Howl to Heal weekend in memory of Stephanie and Steve Zeis

Staff Writer
Echo Pilot

The Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter will hold a Howl to Heal Memorial Weekend on April 29, 30 and May 1 at the shelter on Letterkenny Road West as a tribute to three animal lovers, John Hepfer Jr. and Greencastle natives Stephanie Zeis and Steve Zeis.

John Hepfer Jr. was a beloved employee and volunteer for CVAS. Stephanie Zeis was an animal-lover since she was a little girl. Her grandfather, Steve Zeis, was always willing to help a four-legged friend.

Visitors are asked to stop by during shelter hours that weekend to peruse the various photos, articles and tributes to John, Stephanie and Steve.

Donations will be collected for the shelter's Second Chance Fund, which is money set aside for animals who need special attention or vet care, in their memory.

For more information, contact CVAS at (717) 263-5791.